I’m grateful for CBD. What has CBD done to change your life?
I’m grateful for CBD. What has CBD done to change your life?
CBD has changed me for the better. My anxiety and depression are lower. Even though I have a chronic illness, pain management is better than before.
CBD reduces my appetite, while THC increases it. This is my experience.
I find that CBD reduces my appetite, while THC increases it.
After loosing over 40 pounds through the past 3 years I am grateful for CBD. It was the catalyst for me putting myself first and started taking better care of myself.
ZYNE announced the issuance of a new U.S. patent covering cannabidiol for treating autism
1:1 for Depression and Anxiety
Can CBD help with ADHD symptoms?
Adderall can be very addicting. Especially when it really helps you see the world with a more in-depth and focused lens. I remember when I first tried it and cried because I was actually able to absorb information and have it stick in my mind. I fell in love with reading again while on Adderall […]