I’m grateful for CBD. What has CBD done to change your life?
I’m grateful for CBD. What has CBD done to change your life?
CBD has changed me for the better. My anxiety and depression are lower. Even though I have a chronic illness, pain management is better than before.
Mastering the Mind using CBD
Using full spectrum CBD almost daily has helped my body stay in homeostasis in a chronic manner. Being able to experience this, (which I feel most of my life I hadn’t been in Homeostasis which is why I had manifested unwanted health conditions over time) I realized that if you can chronically manifest negative outcomes, you can manifest positive outcomes as well. But it all starts with what frequency you are resonating at. This is why CBD is so powerful because it promotes balance and harmony within the body, starting with the nervous system. And the nervous system is connected to everything.
1:1 for Depression and Anxiety
CBD and UTIs
If you have ever experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI), then you understand the agony from cystitis, which is inflammation of the bladder/urethra. Fortunately, cannabis, among other plant remedies, can help alleviate the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Details on UTIs UTIs are much more common in women vs men. In fact, The Interstitial Cystitis […]
Erica’s CBD Story
I’m Erica – an eclectic witch with a deep love for holistic healing & empowering others’ voices! I worked at a CBD store for 2+ years where they prioritized greed & manipulation over quality & transparency – & lied every time I confronted them. I refuse to work with those who don’t value honesty & […]