CBD Product Breakdown: CBD Eye Drops

Have you heard of CBD Eye Drops?

A tip came through on a brand known as This Stuff is Good For You, from Las Vegas, NV.

We checked them out and discovered they sell CBD eye drops. Here is a break down of my concerns regarding this product.

New to CBD? Find the right CBD Dosage

When I first started taking CBD as was just as confused as many of you are today. I couldn’t tell heads from tails when it came to finding the right CBD dosage.

The type of product you use will impact dosing requirements. Products made with pure CBD (CBD isolate and CBD distillate) appear to have a thinner healing window when compared to full-spectrum products.

Remedium CBD helped my sore arches

What is in your medicine cabinet or drawer? Or what do you pack with you during your travels for pain management? Pictured above shows some options. But if you haven’t tried Remedium CBD, you should! After walking 11,000+ steps in Downtown LA with heels and then flats, as expected, the arches of my feet began […]