Three savory and stony appetizer recipes for your Super Bowl party

Three savory and stony appetizer recipes for your Super Bowl party How to make edibles in your own kitchen: three savory appetizer recipes using cannabis oil, perfect for parties of all kinds. Go to Source Author: Laurie Wolf Powered by WPeMatico

Cannabist Show: She wants more women in weed; He’s a traveling pro budtender

Cannabist Show: She wants more women in weed; He's a traveling pro budtender Guests: Women Grow CEO Leah Heise and Top Shelf Budtending owner Andrew Mieure. Talking ganjapreneurial spirit, industry diversity and private party planning. Go to Source Author: The Cannabist Staff Powered by WPeMatico

Federal House Bill Would Reschedule Cannabis and Re-Define Marijuana to Exclude CBD

Republican Virginia Rep. Griffith H. Morgan has introduced legislation to reschedule cannabis under the federal Controlled Substances Act, and exclude cannabidiol from the definition of marijuana. According to the bill text, CBD would be defined exclusively as cannabis not containing more than 0.3 percent THC “on a dry weight basis.” The proposal does not include […]