CBD Benefits For Chronic Pain

CBD benefits for chronic pain have been shown to help many illnesses like insomnia, cancer, epilepsy and arthritis. Not everyone wants to pop pills every 4-6 hours for pain all while hurting one’s liver. This is the beauty of CBD. It helps the body without many harsh side effects that you get with hard drugs. CBD […]

Cannabinoid Rich Full Spectrum Hemp Extract by Palmetto Harmony

COMPANY: Palmetto Harmony LOCATION: Conway, South Carolina WEBSITE: https://palmettoharmony.com/ PRODUCT: Cannabinoid Rich Full Spectrum Hemp Extract DISCOUNTS: Use code REDDITCBD for 10% off your purchase. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Palmetto Harmony has brilliant customer service that is a step ahead of even its best competitors. First, immediately available on their website’s contact page are a physical address, […]

Bluebird Botanicals extra-strength Hemp Sport

Bluebird Botanicals extra-strength Hemp Sport is a warming cream for topical use made with hemp extract, essential oils, jojoba, and coconut oil. It lists its ingredients as jojoba and coconut oil organic cream base, hemp extract (200+ mg Cannabinoids), essentials pile of helichrysum, wild -crafted plain, German chamomile, arnica and ginger. With such natural ingredients, I […]

The Fay Farm Warming CBD Muscle Rub Review

I have Osteoarthritis in my both of my wrist. I have no cartilage and the bones rub against each other. This is mostly from my right wrist. I have been trying and searching for rubs and creams for years. Most that I have tried either don’t last long enough or they damage the skin after constant usage. […]