CBD for Pets

Your pets are the most important in your life outside of your kids. So when they are in pain why not try using CBD for your pets? CBD has shown to help the ailments in humans and now CBD is also helping cats and dogs. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system that keeps our systems […]

Cannabis Drug Reduces Seizures in Severe Epilepsy Cases

A compound taken from marijuana greatly helped some children with a severe and often deadly form of epilepsy and completely stopped seizures in a very few, researchers reported Wednesday. http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cannabis-drug-reduces-seizures-severe-epilepsy-cases-n764381 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/marijuana-treatment-reduces-severe-epileptic-seizures/

Hemp Direct’s Pure Hemp Tea Review

When I got my Pure Hemp Tea in the mail from Hemp Direct I was stoked. I drink a lot of tea as you may recall from my post on if CBD can help me. I have tried a variety of teas over the years from Oolong, Black, Jasmine, Mint and Ginger. Drinking tea is better […]

Properties of Cannabinoids

Here is a good list of the properties of Cannabinoids. These Cannabinoid benefits are helping hundreds of thousands of people and it could help you as well.

Terpenes, CBD, and the Entourage Effect

Terpenes are material that are found in many plants and even some insects. They are compounds that add flavor and scent to marijuana, as well as many health benefits. There are over 200 terpenes that are found in marijuana, and each one has a different effect and benefit. The purpose of terpenes found in marijuana […]