CBD & Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks (deer tick). Ticks were a fact of life for many growing up in the ’80s and ’90s. If a child came home with a tick on their head, mothers would apply Vaseline over the […]
CVS Partners with Curaleaf to sell CBD products in over 800 stores
CVS Partners with Curaleaf to sell CBD products in over 800 stores. The announcement sent Curaleaf’s stock price soaring over 17% giving the company a market value of more than $2.6 billion. Curaleaf announced the agreement during an earnings conference call on Wednesday. Curaleaf’s CBD products will be available in approximately 800 stores to start. […]
Erica’s CBD Story
I’m Erica – an eclectic witch with a deep love for holistic healing & empowering others’ voices! I worked at a CBD store for 2+ years where they prioritized greed & manipulation over quality & transparency – & lied every time I confronted them. I refuse to work with those who don’t value honesty & […]
CBD and Social Anxiety
I remember the very first time I experienced social anxiety. Back when I was a young child in school, it was my turn to give a presentation for my shoebox diorama. The sensation that came over me was like my soul hit the floor. I felt drained and flushed like I was extremely sick to […]
CBD is Truly a Miracle
CBD is truly a miracle. It helps so many people from severe conditions like cancer, epilepsy, and other life-threatening illnesses. Many of these people never have a real opportunity to live their life the way they deserve to. CBD gives that second chance to feel happy about themselves and be out of pain. CBD aids […]