Tonic CBD

Tonic CBD is hands down one of the most well rounded, honest, and qualitative brands I have come to know. Brittany, the CEO and founder, created Tonic OG to help alleviate her depression and anxiety, picking a certain strain and ingredients to support balancing those specific symptoms. We are in the same boat when it […]

Using CBD On My Aruba Vacation

I recently went to Aruba for a weekend vacation with my best friend of 9 years. It was pretty awesome. We have been talking about going for so many years now and finally being able to make it happen was a treat. It was worth the wait. I think I enjoyed it more now than […]


I was introduced to TONIC CBD (OG) about two weeks ago. Because I suffer with anxiety and depression, it was recommended as I don’t like taking the medications prescribed to me. TONIC CBD (OG) Review The first week I started taking the TONIC CBD (OG) in one full dropper three times a day. I work […]