MOORESVILLE, N.C. – A clerk at Tobacco & Vapor on North Main Street has been charged by Mooresville police after a student at Mooresville High School overdosed using a vape product that was purchased at the shop. There is no word on that student’s name or the extent of their injuries. Police stated the vaporizer was sold as Black Diamond CBD oil but was, in fact, a synthetic cannabinoid known by the chemical name, 5-Fluoro ADB and FUB-AMB, both of which are controlled substances.
These controlled substances come with some serious side effects. Side effects of consuming 5-Fluoro ADB include rapid loss of consciousness, stroke, seizures, convulsions, and coma. Sudden death has also been reported.
Synthetic cannabinoids refer to a growing number of human-made mind-altering chemicals sprayed on dried, shredded plant material or vaporized to produce a high. The effects of synthetic cannabinoids can be unpredictable and severe or even life-threatening. Unlike natural cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids can also be addictive as cases of withdrawal have been reported. Withdrawal symptoms include headaches, anxiety, depression, and irritability. Synthetic cannabinoid products can be found in head smoke shops.
During the search of the Tobacco and Vapor shop, detectives seized nine additional vials of the “Black Diamond” CBD oil which was hidden throughout the store, along with more than $6,000 in cash. Now, 31-year-old Rashad Naji Mohsen Al Hubaishi is charged with nine felony drug counts related to the possession and sale of Schedule I controlled substances.
No further information has been released.
Don’t become a victim of Black Diamond CBD and other Synthetics
Please educate yourself and do research before buying any CBD products. There are various reported cases of people getting very ill after consuming synthetic cannabinoids. Help the community put a stop to “Black Diamond” products being sold by spreading the word and reposting this article. To find legit CBD products, please visit our Vetted CBD Companies list and read our reviews.